By power, I mean watts (W), as in the most work done in the shortest time, as in “Let there be Light,” and bam! For Gd to cause us to exist He spoke, yet Hashem did not even need 10 Divine Utterances to create his creation. However, it is partly how He imparted His magnificence to our world.
Be it evolution by punctuated equilibrium or phyletic gradualism, I believe Gd made creation, not only to show His Might, but also His magnificence. Personally, I believe in punctuated equilibrium, as time would be an even greater issue if we believe evolution by phyletic gradualism. However, with the big stuff, Gd seems to work with a crash bam, and an alakazam.
And so it will be that the coming of Moshiach will be with a “bam!” – such a great action so powerful that it can only be in accordance with the Almighty.
Why create it in a day, when He could have created it all in less than a second.